Experementing with the PICBASIC Pro compiler » Программирование устройств на PIC микроконтроллерах

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    Experementing with the PICBASIC Pro compiler
    Автор публикации: Freeman Просмотров: 2569 Добавлен: 17-08-2013, 16:09 Комментарии: 0

    Название: Experementing with the PICBASIC Pro compiler
    Автор: Les Johnson
    Год издания: 2000
    Страниц: 186
    Формат: DJVU
    Размер: 1,5 MB + 3% (ZIP)
    Описание: The BASIC language has been popular since it's conception in the 1970's. One of the main reasons for this is its ease of use and ability to make a project work within a matter of hours, instead of days or weeks .But to have the ability to program a microcontroller in BASIC, is a dream come true . Moreover, when the BASIC language is in the form of a compiler; it combines both speed and ease of use . Micro Engineering, Labs Inc have come up with the perfect medium for programming the PlCmicro range of microcontrollers . The PicBasic Pro Compiler allows total control over the full range of 14-bit and 16-bit core PIC's available . This book takes over from where the compiler's user manual left off, and is intended for use by the more adventurous programmer . It illustrates how to control readily available devices such as Analogue to Digital Converters, Digital to Analogue Converters, Temperature sensors etc, that may be incorporated into your own projects, as well as some complete projects . In addition, tips and techniques are discussed which allow even more control over the PIC. Each experiment in the book has an accompanying program that shows exactly what is happening, or supposed to happen . Most are in the form of subroutines, ready to drop into your own program . The majority of the projects will work on any of the 14-bit core devices, however, unless otherwise stated, the PIC used is the ever popular PIC16F84 using a 4mHz crystal . The accompanying CDROM has all the source listings for the experiments, as well as the manufacturers datasheets and application notes for the semiconductor devices used . My thanks go to Jeff Shmoyer, not only for co-writing the compilers, but also for his advice in the construction of this book . I would also like to thank you for purchasing this book and I wish you every success in your future projects .

    Ссылка на скачивание: http://rusfolder.com/37647950

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